Climax Shelly School
District #592
Home of the Knights
"Preparing Students Today for Success in a Challenging Tomorrow"
E-Learning Information
Climax–Shelly E-Learning Day Plan
Grades PreK - 1 will utilize a BINGO activity package for each student. In the morning, the Classroom Teacher will call each student to check in to monitor progress.
Grades 2 - 5 will utilize a BINGO activity package for each student. During the day, teachers will reach out at 10:00 AM and again at 1:00 PM to touch base, offer assistance, and maintain positive relationships within the classroom using Google Classroom.
Grades 6 - 12:
During the days when it is impossible to meet in person, Climax–Shelly Public School will use Virtual Learning Days to meet with our students. It is the student’s responsibility to check in to receive credit and attendance for the day. High School Teachers of Climax–Shelly Public will utilize Google Classroom for this purpose. Below are the times teachers will be logged on to meet with our students:
1st Hour 8:30 – 9:21
2nd Hour 9:25 – 10:16
3rd Hour 10:20 – 11:11
4th Hour 11:15 – 12:06
5th Hour 12:37 – 1:28
6th Hour 1:32 – 2:23
7th Hour 2:27 – 3:18