Climax Shelly School
District #592
Home of the Knights
"Preparing Students Today for Success in a Challenging Tomorrow"
Important MCA Testing Reminders
Click here to email the testing coordinator
Please make sure your child brings a fully-charged Chromebook, as the tests are taken online.
There is no use of phones, Apple watches, etc. during testing. Students must turn these devices off and store them in their backpacks (or leave them at home) for the day.
Students will need a book to read upon the completion of their tests. MCA guidelines do not allow for any digital use while testing is in progress.
There will be snacks provided to your child before testing starts.
We encourage you to have a positive conversation with your child about putting forth their best effort. As a school, we greatly appreciate students’ commitment to personal growth and achievement.
State Testing Information
Frequently Asked Questions: Why Statewide Test Results Matter
Minnesota’s statewide tests are objective, standardized measures of student achievement on academic or proficiency standards. Students, families, teachers, and administrators use statewide test results as part of a comprehensive system for evaluating learning. Answers to frequently asked questions explain the purpose of statewide testing and why it is important to ensure the integrity of test scores.
Frequently Asked Questions: Why Statewide Test Results Matter.
Parent Fact Sheets
Answers to frequently asked questions about the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA), Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS), and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs are available in a downloadable and printable Parent Fact Sheets. A test preparation fact sheet is also available.
Click here for MDE Statewide Testing Information Website
MCA Parent Fact Sheet
MTAS Parent Fact Sheet
ACCESS Parent Fact Sheet
Test Preparation Suggestions for Parents and Teachers
Student Participation in Statewide Assessments
Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.31, subdivision 4a, student participation requires the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) to publish a form for parents/guardians to complete if they refuse to have their student participate in state-required standardized assessments. The Parent/Guardian Guide to Statewide Testing document provides some basic information to help parents/guardians make informed decisions that benefit their child and their school and community. The form to meet this legislative requirement is available at the link below; it must be returned to your student's district.
Click here for Parent/Guardian Guide and Refusal for Student Participation in Statewide Testing Form